Sunday, October 30, 2011


ok.da hbs da free kol tuk thn nie,
rmai gk yg x guna 8pax,so,xdpt nk kol korunxx2.,
ad gk yg xdpt nk cntct.ok.takkpeelaaaa.sedey=( .huhu.xpaham knp.,papepon,xtau lg thn dpn dpt free kol lg.sbb xtau idop ke x.hehe.insyaALLAH pnjg umur lg..,
esok xam.very saturated! haha. full gilak memory. *pdhal x hbs lg baca.~lalalalalalalaaaa*..
ak da malas da nk study mlm nie.esok laa plak kn.
entry kali nie just nk gtau yg xpired free kol jep. xbermakna nnt ak da x kol korunxx ea masa free,dpt bonus kedit,ak kol ea..rendduu nk potpetpotpet ngn kengkawan.

wish me luck esokkk!,lusa gk,n tulat...........n mlm tulat.,.wassalam.

[LYRIC] Kim Jong Kook ft Gary - Come back to me again

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

de quOtes

nie,ak nak share something ngn korunxx2 yg bace blog.
nie copy paste from somewhere jep.hihihi.

" My parents should be proud of me,
 i'm addicted to internet.NOT DRUGS! "

" *Phone fall* are you ok phone???? 
*friend fall* HAHAHAHA "

..hahah.jahat gilerrr..


hihihiihihih..terasa gopppppppppppppppppp...haha

" Respect you parents! they pay for your internet! "

hahaaha.apa pnye quote laaa kn..
yg bwah nie nice.

 " LAUGHTER is a good cure for all that is bad
It is also good way to show the world how 
STRONG you really are . "

" My brains : 5% names
3% phone numbers
2%stuff i should know from school
90% song lyricssssss "

" SLEEPING is nice.
You forget about everything for a little while . "

nice kn quotes2 nie.haha.lawak pon ade...adoii.baca quotes pon boleh gelak.byk lg actly.,nnt ad yg best2,ak letak lg eaaa...hehehe.
ok,jupe lg next entry=)

Monday, October 24, 2011

20th birthday!

smlm.genap 20thn ak hidup ats muka bumi ni. huhu .walopon smlm xd laa happy sgt . tp cukop lah ak rsa terharu dan begitu hargai kwn2 yg wish kt blog...bestesstt frenn babe n jores yg ku syg.,mxg,first mxg sent by dayah at 12midnight.,,kwn2 yg wish kt fb and even sanggup dtg hostel ak bg hadiah.hihihi. touchim you!.haha..thanx to syeila selaku roomteku, bg kain wt bju kurung yg sgttt cantek dan mmg ske laaa! hehehe..
thanx pada yg bg teddybear chumyl n bg red pillow yg berayat2 manis uhh....hihihihi..walopon smlm agk sedey sbb ad training camp n xdpt nk kuar.,tp wish dr kwn2 make me senyum cm Mc'Donald!.hehehee:D
 tibe2 rasa umur 20thn nie bt aku sedar yg byk lg benda lam dunia yg ak xtahu dan even byk lg ilmu2 akhirat ak xtahu.hmmphhh.,kne improve nie.=) insyaALLAH.

thanxxx a lot all for the wishes..

apa yg aku hrpkan,biarlah umurku pnjg + dpt bt amalan2 yg baik byk2 lg.,n sihat sentiasa.,jd seorg muslimah yg  baik di dunia dan akhirat. jd anak yg soleh.jd kwn yg memahami.,*pnjg laa plak kn,,hihi*..byk laa,i'll keep them in my diary.hehe. at last.,x lupa.,nk doakan supaya dpt jodoh yg baek2., ehem!.haha.da masuk umur 20 derrr..,lg 4,5 thn da nk kawen..,kejap je lg.,hahaha.da kne strt pndai urus rumah laaa kn,hahaha! gataiinyeee laaaaa~~

Friday, October 21, 2011

the Fact!

Saat kita diciptakan :
ALLAH SWT tidak pernah COPY-PASTE. ALLAH SETTING hidup kita indah.ALLAH klik MINIMIZE untuk kelemahan kita dan klik MAXIMIZE untuk kelebihan kita. Semua yang baik ALLAH INSERT ke dalam hidup kita. DELETE dosa kita & SAVE masa depan kita. ALLAH akan still membawa kita NEXT tanpa BACK kemasa lalu kita. Bahkan SKIP saat celaka menghampiri kita. Saat kita perlu, ALLAH sedia HELP untuk QUIT dari masalah kita. harap hati kita still OPEN & siap untuk diEDIT....LOVE ALLAH SWT.!

Next to You

for the readers.

"You've got that smile,
That only heaven can make.
I pray to God everyday,
That you keep that smile." ..

  petikan dari lagu NEXT TO YOU by Jb n Chris Brown.
nice lagu more to dedicate to future wife kot.

ok.thts all for now.nk wt keje len plak.happy wekends=)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

apa nk jadi????

apa nk jadi ngn cik siti amirah nie.
kul 1.32am x tido lg. bkn nye baca buku,,,,,,,,,,on9 uhhh!rajin3!!!!
nnt midterm tny kot kn," fb sape plg hot ", "game apa ad lam fb", "artis mane yg br pas kawin uhh" . hahaha!
bila nk study nie???hmmphhh!
dtglahh mood bljrku~~ =(

take care!

ok.this is my second entry for today.
its raining heavily outside.

lately cuaca x wape nk stabil kan,,,.?
kejap hujan,kejap panas.kejap hjn renyai2.,kejap hujan lebat.kejap panas terik,kejap panas xterik
so,rmai yg kne attack ngn dmam.

tke cre ea everyone! =)
bg yg demam,smga cepat sembh. =)
bg yg x demam,say ALHAMDULILLAH..n ,mintak jauh dr sakit. =)
tata.jupe nxt entry. hihi
hye sume . just nk isi masa lapang. teringt nak post something nice. they're quotes n pics yg menarik hati. hati ak je.korunx,,..xtau laa kn,.ske sgt bila tgk2 pics kt 3EES photogrphy. nice3! i heart it a lot.! teringin nk ad camera besar tue sndri.nk amek2 gmbr nature. kui3., impian je tue. satu hari nnt insyALLAH akan ku beli bila da kerja.hahaha.*by tht time,ad lg yg lebih canggih dr tue kn,haha!* is not just a pic.

tomey3! =)

ok,this one termasuk gk,walopon bkn under 3EES, tp,cukoplah ak paham yg apepon terjadi,sntiasa ingt kt ALLAH!

yg nie. comey kn pic die.,err.quote die,,.ak x wape nk paham. hihihihi. can anyone translate it for me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

tak tahu

lme x singgah cni.huhu
mls nk menulis.
tp,mlm nie.rsa nk tlis sesuatu.tntg apa2 tak tahu apakh itu.
mungkin disbbkn esok ad 2kuiz,,dan ak x hbs lg study,.dan midterm menghmpiri,.ak da jd cm happeee jep!.
xd mood nk bljr,xmasuk pape lam kpla otak.ok.=(
cmne agk2 nk gain blk energy nie?minum 100plus kahh? or Revive Isotonic??..hahaha.mengarut.
ok,ngntok da.....
tii meet again next entry.

i wish i could go somewhere to rest from study,thinking nonsense.............................


ok.da hbs da free kol tuk thn nie,
rmai gk yg x guna 8pax,so,xdpt nk kol korunxx2.,
ad gk yg xdpt nk cntct.ok.takkpeelaaaa.sedey=( .huhu.xpaham knp.,papepon,xtau lg thn dpn dpt free kol lg.sbb xtau idop ke x.hehe.insyaALLAH pnjg umur lg..,
esok xam.very saturated! haha. full gilak memory. *pdhal x hbs lg baca.~lalalalalalalaaaa*..
ak da malas da nk study mlm nie.esok laa plak kn.
entry kali nie just nk gtau yg xpired free kol jep. xbermakna nnt ak da x kol korunxx ea masa free,dpt bonus kedit,ak kol ea..rendduu nk potpetpotpet ngn kengkawan.

wish me luck esokkk!,lusa gk,n tulat...........n mlm tulat.,.wassalam.

[LYRIC] Kim Jong Kook ft Gary - Come back to me again

de quOtes

nie,ak nak share something ngn korunxx2 yg bace blog.
nie copy paste from somewhere jep.hihihi.

" My parents should be proud of me,
 i'm addicted to internet.NOT DRUGS! "

" *Phone fall* are you ok phone???? 
*friend fall* HAHAHAHA "

..hahah.jahat gilerrr..


hihihiihihih..terasa gopppppppppppppppppp...haha

" Respect you parents! they pay for your internet! "

hahaaha.apa pnye quote laaa kn..
yg bwah nie nice.

 " LAUGHTER is a good cure for all that is bad
It is also good way to show the world how 
STRONG you really are . "

" My brains : 5% names
3% phone numbers
2%stuff i should know from school
90% song lyricssssss "

" SLEEPING is nice.
You forget about everything for a little while . "

nice kn quotes2 nie.haha.lawak pon ade...adoii.baca quotes pon boleh gelak.byk lg actly.,nnt ad yg best2,ak letak lg eaaa...hehehe.
ok,jupe lg next entry=)

20th birthday!

smlm.genap 20thn ak hidup ats muka bumi ni. huhu .walopon smlm xd laa happy sgt . tp cukop lah ak rsa terharu dan begitu hargai kwn2 yg wish kt blog...bestesstt frenn babe n jores yg ku syg.,mxg,first mxg sent by dayah at 12midnight.,,kwn2 yg wish kt fb and even sanggup dtg hostel ak bg hadiah.hihihi. touchim you!.haha..thanx to syeila selaku roomteku, bg kain wt bju kurung yg sgttt cantek dan mmg ske laaa! hehehe..
thanx pada yg bg teddybear chumyl n bg red pillow yg berayat2 manis uhh....hihihihi..walopon smlm agk sedey sbb ad training camp n xdpt nk kuar.,tp wish dr kwn2 make me senyum cm Mc'Donald!.hehehee:D
 tibe2 rasa umur 20thn nie bt aku sedar yg byk lg benda lam dunia yg ak xtahu dan even byk lg ilmu2 akhirat ak xtahu.hmmphhh.,kne improve nie.=) insyaALLAH.

thanxxx a lot all for the wishes..

apa yg aku hrpkan,biarlah umurku pnjg + dpt bt amalan2 yg baik byk2 lg.,n sihat sentiasa.,jd seorg muslimah yg  baik di dunia dan akhirat. jd anak yg soleh.jd kwn yg memahami.,*pnjg laa plak kn,,hihi*..byk laa,i'll keep them in my diary.hehe. at last.,x lupa.,nk doakan supaya dpt jodoh yg baek2., ehem!.haha.da masuk umur 20 derrr..,lg 4,5 thn da nk kawen..,kejap je lg.,hahaha.da kne strt pndai urus rumah laaa kn,hahaha! gataiinyeee laaaaa~~

the Fact!

Saat kita diciptakan :
ALLAH SWT tidak pernah COPY-PASTE. ALLAH SETTING hidup kita indah.ALLAH klik MINIMIZE untuk kelemahan kita dan klik MAXIMIZE untuk kelebihan kita. Semua yang baik ALLAH INSERT ke dalam hidup kita. DELETE dosa kita & SAVE masa depan kita. ALLAH akan still membawa kita NEXT tanpa BACK kemasa lalu kita. Bahkan SKIP saat celaka menghampiri kita. Saat kita perlu, ALLAH sedia HELP untuk QUIT dari masalah kita. harap hati kita still OPEN & siap untuk diEDIT....LOVE ALLAH SWT.!

Next to You

for the readers.

"You've got that smile,
That only heaven can make.
I pray to God everyday,
That you keep that smile." ..

  petikan dari lagu NEXT TO YOU by Jb n Chris Brown.
nice lagu more to dedicate to future wife kot.

ok.thts all for now.nk wt keje len plak.happy wekends=)

apa nk jadi????

apa nk jadi ngn cik siti amirah nie.
kul 1.32am x tido lg. bkn nye baca buku,,,,,,,,,,on9 uhhh!rajin3!!!!
nnt midterm tny kot kn," fb sape plg hot ", "game apa ad lam fb", "artis mane yg br pas kawin uhh" . hahaha!
bila nk study nie???hmmphhh!
dtglahh mood bljrku~~ =(

take care!

ok.this is my second entry for today.
its raining heavily outside.

lately cuaca x wape nk stabil kan,,,.?
kejap hujan,kejap panas.kejap hjn renyai2.,kejap hujan lebat.kejap panas terik,kejap panas xterik
so,rmai yg kne attack ngn dmam.

tke cre ea everyone! =)
bg yg demam,smga cepat sembh. =)
bg yg x demam,say ALHAMDULILLAH..n ,mintak jauh dr sakit. =)
tata.jupe nxt entry. hihi
hye sume . just nk isi masa lapang. teringt nak post something nice. they're quotes n pics yg menarik hati. hati ak je.korunx,,..xtau laa kn,.ske sgt bila tgk2 pics kt 3EES photogrphy. nice3! i heart it a lot.! teringin nk ad camera besar tue sndri.nk amek2 gmbr nature. kui3., impian je tue. satu hari nnt insyALLAH akan ku beli bila da kerja.hahaha.*by tht time,ad lg yg lebih canggih dr tue kn,haha!* is not just a pic.

tomey3! =)

ok,this one termasuk gk,walopon bkn under 3EES, tp,cukoplah ak paham yg apepon terjadi,sntiasa ingt kt ALLAH!

yg nie. comey kn pic die.,err.quote die,,.ak x wape nk paham. hihihihi. can anyone translate it for me.

tak tahu

lme x singgah cni.huhu
mls nk menulis.
tp,mlm nie.rsa nk tlis sesuatu.tntg apa2 tak tahu apakh itu.
mungkin disbbkn esok ad 2kuiz,,dan ak x hbs lg study,.dan midterm menghmpiri,.ak da jd cm happeee jep!.
xd mood nk bljr,xmasuk pape lam kpla otak.ok.=(
cmne agk2 nk gain blk energy nie?minum 100plus kahh? or Revive Isotonic??..hahaha.mengarut.
ok,ngntok da.....
tii meet again next entry.

i wish i could go somewhere to rest from study,thinking nonsense.............................